The Classic British Lunchbox – Which of these Snacks Did You Have at School?

It’s back to school time! If you’re a parent, you’ve probably spent the last few weeks going round the shops buying pencil cases, uniform, shoes, sports kits and most importantly, lunch box supplies. Kids love the array of British lunch box snacks, treats and puddings that are available, but what would you miss the most if you were abroad?

Would Hershey’s ever replace the decadence of Cadbury’s as a chocolate treat, or Lay’s Oven Baked Potato Crisps beat Walkers Cheesy Wotsits?

Would you miss doing the Fruit Pastille challenge with your friends where you ‘can’t help but chew’?

Is there always a place in your lunchbox for Prawn Cocktail Skips or the iconic Wagon Wheels  or even the fun-sized Penguin Biscuits?

You’ll never know what you miss most until you leave but it is not surprising that children and adults alike will always have fond memories of the the treats mum used to put into their lunchboxes! We don’t want anyone to miss out on these classic snacks, so have come up with the perfect solution. Our School Lunchbox Gift Box has collected together a whole range of classic British favourites, including all of the goodies mentioned above and so much more!

If you know someone abroad who might be missing Walkers, Cadbury’s chocolate, Wagon Wheels, Skips and all those other delicious snacks, make them smile from across the world by sending them a surprise gift box. Have a browse through our Gift Boxes, including the Sweet Memories Gift Box, the Chocoholics Anonymous Gift Box and the Dunking Indulgence Gift Box.


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